Right on time…
You are right on time…right where you are supposed to be. You are not lost. You are on the journey back to you. Maybe you have never been where you are and that’s okay. If you’re here, it is no coincidence. Welcome. I’m happy you’ve arrived. I encourage you to come exactly as you are; whatever that looks like; as I hold space for you. If you are still around each week as I add to this blog, you will learn about the pieces of me. My goal, however, is to help you discover, accept, heal, and fall in love with more of the pieces of you. I’m hoping to help you connect some dots while I continue to connect my own. I want to teach you how to learn in a way that feels safe and organic. I hope you keep showing up. There will always be room at my table for you. Let’s connect.
Did you know the enemy of connection is control? Sit with that for a minute…We don’t ever feel free when we have a tight grip on things, do we? We can’t truly enjoy the flow when we are trying to control the narrative of all of the things in our lives. The longest trip is sometimes from your head to your heart. I encourage you to lean in because YOU are your best healer. Give yourself the opportunity to make new choices.
For a long time, I didn’t know I was stuck. I was. The truth is, the stuff we haven’t healed from our past is impacting, restricting, and often feels heavy. It can feel familiar in the present and it’s important to connect the dots. What we don’t heal will continue to hurt us and it will show up in many different ways in our lives and in our relationships. There is a version of yourself that is waiting very patiently. The goal is to consistently show up, every single day, until you get to be introduced.
The reason we often feel unsettled, is because we are not meant to settle. You are worth the work. You always have been. Change rides on the back of understanding. I encourage you to give yourself grace, to lean in, and to learn. I encourage you to teach others and make an impact on your own journey as you go. After all, we are best equipped to help the person we used to be. Transformation doesn’t happen without trust. The final stage of healing is using our own experiences to help others. So, this is me. I’m so happy you’re here. You’re right on time…