Pieces of Me

A “piece” is defined as a portion of something, produced by cutting, tearing, or breaking away from the whole.  Ironically though, we cannot become whole by hiding or denying any of the pieces of ourselves, regardless of what they might look, feel, or sound like. Have you made peace with all of the pieces of you? It can sometimes feel scary and downright intimidating. You may not even know how or where to begin and that’s okay. Just breathe. I’m here to remind you…you’re never alone. 

Fear is a crazy thing, isn’t it? Doubt is never a fun place to escape to because it only leaves you feeling stuck. Denial and shame were never meant for you to carry, to own, or to tightly grip onto. Those things can oftentimes, keep us feeling paralyzed, not knowing what our next move should be or even which direction to head towards.  It can feel like sinking slowly into quicksand. It’s hard to find our way sometimes, especially when we don’t, can’t, or refuse to truly see or acknowledge all of the pieces of ourselves.

You’re worth exploring. You’re worth studying and finding out about. Love yourself a little bit more than  you did yesterday, especially when it’s hard. Keep showing up. We can’t heal what we don’t reveal, so I encourage you to go on discovering. You just might like who and what you find in the search to uncover your pieces.  It’s impossible to become whole if we continue to hide the parts of us we want to pretend never actually existed.  You aren’t broken. You’re not lacking. You don’t need fixing.  You need…the rest of who you are. You need to find…all of you. Every. Single. Piece. You need love. You need to honor yourself and all of the versions of you that made you who you are. You need compassion and understanding; empathy and grace.  You need to offer those things up to all of the versions of yourself that you’ve kept locked away and hidden from the world and , maybe even, from yourself. It’s funny how our mess reveals our greatest message if we take the time and energy required to make sense of it all.  Don’t shy away from it. Dive in. Make yourself whole. I promise you’re worth it.

My wish is that someday, someone picks my words up off of these pages and recognizes small pieces of themselves in the things I’ve written. My hope is that those words will give you or someone else the courage to own and be grateful for every single bit of exactly who you are. I hope you eventually claim your truth and I hope it feels just like home. I’m not quite exactly sure when it happened for me.  Maybe my pieces were found in uncovering great big memories or perhaps, in the tiny little moments in time…some I’d tucked away and maybe there were some I allowed to just get lost along the way. Was it little by little or all at once? I can’t really say for certain but I do know I’m grateful that I kept looking and that I never quit the work of searching to find me.

It's a beautiful discovery, once you finally do arrive. So, in the meantime, may the space between where you are and where you’re meant to be, inspire you…just like I was inspired to uncover and fall in love with all of the perfectly imperfect pieces of me…


Cross the Bridge


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...